Saturday, June 1, 2013

Two Points of View ~ A collaboration

You never know where inspiration comes from. I came across @This_is_Talon over on Twitter and have been so moved by her photography. I've been writing captions to her photos over the last month and I wanted to put them together here in a post to celebrate the beauty of images and words that have come together from two total strangers.

Please visit her blog   she is a very gifted writer as well.


flying free I watch
untethered, unbound
lifting my own wings
for the wind to catch
and take hold



In this mystical place
I see your face
Beneath a slivered moon
And once again
I feel

sky reflected into
a shimmering ripple
seeing clouds floating on water
I want to drift away


brave and bold
her legs tremble
and she wobbles a bit
but tomorrow
you will only see a flutter
and hear thundering hooves

drifting aimlessly
without care to time or day
floating on ripples
crystalline blue
lost in thought
and dreams

we sit
perched high above
watching with a knowing eye
as we have done
and seen
this all

I watch your petals unfurl
exposing the trueness of you
and I gasp at the beauty
of what I see
before me


touch me
can you feel the scars?
I have lived a lifetime
collecting them
like badges of honor
I wear them now
with pride

and under that painted sky
I see you
deep pink hues
reflecting the beauty
of your tender face

reaching with outstretched limbs
toward the light
solid core
rooted deep
the growing has begun

one tender fluttering wing
caught in the glimpse of an eye
the distraction left me breathless
left me smiling


and is this how I shall travel
from here
and maybe to there?
hovering above my reflection
for balance
arms stretched wide

unexpressed emotions
threaded along the branch
that grows out of the core
dangling patiently
waiting to be chosen

and I soar
high above all that
has ever held me in place
free, finally
to become
who I am
All photos credited to
All words credited to



  1. very cool photos and cool how you wove them into words as well...lifting the wings for the wind to catch...the petals unfurling...the feeling the scars..

  2. nice...she is a blog friend from way back....and an excellent writer herself...def like the freedom found in that last rise above and be who you always wanted to be...

  3. Andrea, this definitely is a wonderful set of pictures and poems. How can I choose a favorite? I think I will choose the picture of the young horse and its accompanying poem. Wobbly today, galloping tomorrow. Smiles. Thank you for sharing these with Poetry Pantry today.

  4. Very cool. Thanks. Beautiful combinations of pic and poem. k.

  5. That's a lovely collection. :)

  6. Loved the first verse. Had to struggle to read against the background, but that's just me. You have a nice artistic flair

  7. Andrea, this is lovely. Thank you. The thing that is so neat to me is that you make me see my own photography in a totally different way. Isn't it amazing for one form to transport to another? Beautiful!

  8. I don't know which I like better, the photography or the verses accompanying them. Together they are quite a feast.

  9. Wonderful work.

  10. ...ah, what a refreshing view coming from those photos & what a lovely words to associate 'em... this is genuinely a collaboration of two wonderfully talented individual... thanks for sharing these andrea... smiles...

  11. What a mesmerizing collaboration of talents.......beautiful images, wonderful writing.......just lovely.

  12. A great collection of photos and words that make it more beautiful
