Sunday, July 14, 2013

forward resolution

this feels like as good a day as any
to look up into the sky at the morning sun.
to feel its warmth fall across my face
and see things in an entirely different way.
today is a time for making choices internally
leaving familiar words scattered on the floor.
walking over them without leaving scars on my feet
and not looking back to see the mess they’ve made.
I think I should water the ground today, nourish something deep
let the growth and the healing slowly begin.
in the light of the sun it is all out there and exposed
nowhere to hide, no dark corners to keep out the shine.
breathing in and walking in unmeasured steps
up hills that don’t really leave room for taking it slow.
it’s taken long enough, I think, to get out of this hole
it’s time to lean into the incline and forge ahead.
so this is last page of a tale
that was riddled with lines I cannot untangle.
with language and action
in which I should have never engaged.
mistakes that I keep making over and over
misinterpreting what is for what I want to hear.
so again I lean into the curve
and let it press against me.
use all of the strength that I have
to remain standing still.
once the pressure becomes aligned
and my balance holds.
with a forward motion
I have to move away from here.


  1. a fresh beginning? Recently, I too, have been going through 'much ado'. Inside that is. I've decided to stop analyzng and just accept but keeping it in perspective of the 'whole' of my life.

    Good luck to you, mi amiga

  2. mistakes that I keep making over and over
    misinterpreting what is for what I want to hear.

    these lines stuck out at me.
