Thursday, December 22, 2011

What Could Have Been...

Today could have been a day filled with anger and pain

it could have been a day of endings and moving away.

There could have been harsh words thrown across rooms

there could have been lines in the sand.

With all of the pain we have been through

with all that’s been said and been done.

There could have been nothing left of us here

instead there is still me and you.

We are taking heed of each other

we are trying to fix broken things.

We are taking the high road in action and deed

we are practicing love as a skill.

We haven’t fallen victim to the harsh words,

to the disgrace, and the hate.

We may actually have closed the distance between us

and have found our way back to that place.

The place that transcends the selfish,

the place that transcends fear.

The place where we open up all that we are

and come closer than ever before.

*For dVerse Poets Pub   Meeting the Bar – Contrast *


  1. Wow,That was an impressive write. written words that I have live through.

  2. nice contrast in how it could have been to how it was

  3. practicing love as a skill...great line as it is...and despite all the rest you still have each other...

  4. Andrea, what a beautiful use of the prompt. Indeed, love is sometimes hard work and what a gift when we are willing to take it on. So glad you linked this. Victoria
