Saturday, October 12, 2013


At 6:30 am in a hotel lobby, before I could even smell the coffee, a very lovely soul crossed my path. She was delightfully pleasant and warm and happier than anyone I’ve ever met. she had me smiling from ear to ear and feeling very changed in a way that I haven’t felt lately.


While I sat eating breakfast, talking with a co-worker and listening to the day’s news, I saw her approach us again. She pulled two boxes of mints from her pocket and handed us each one and with a wink said, ‘for later’. She then leaned over and gave us both huge hugs and wished us a wonderful day. When she pulled away I saw her name tag, ‘Sunshine’, well of course…


I said, “Your Momma knew something didn’t she?” She laughed and said, “I know not everyone does it or believes it but I choose to rejoice, every day.” and off she went to finish her ‘rounds.


When I walked over for my second cup of coffee, she was deep in conversation with a woman whose day did not appear to be going so well. She gave her that same warm hug but this time as she pulled away, she raised her arms and began to sing, “You are my sunshine…” She sang the entire song at full volume in one of the most soulful voices I have ever heard. The hair on my arms stood on end and I got chills all over my body. When she finished the room was silent and I started the applause. She then as if nothing happened went back to greeting all and handing out mints and hugs.


The rest of my day had a bit of a glow around it following such an experience but as it progressed, life began to happen again. The noise of everyday life kept threatening my quiet calm. Each time the silence was broken, I quietly hummed to myself. As I sat in traffic for hours at the end of my day, I broke out in song at full voice as well. That night I slept like a baby after I sang myself to sleep.


Try it when you forget that some things are just noise and that you can sing yourself into peace.


“you are my sunshine…”

1 comment:

  1. I listen to music when in bed every night. I sing along with those that I know. I listen to music thoughout the day. When I'm reading, writing, cooking, doing house chores, etc, etc, etc. Your sharing what she shared is music of human kind

    Gracias, have a wonderful day, mi amiga
