Tuesday, June 26, 2018


lost in moving pictures

images on a screen

lost in the turning of pages

words turned into dreams

lost in the sound of a melody

in a power chord strum

lost in the open throated wail

that sings of joy and pain

there is a parallel world

that runs right beside this one

where make believe and magic

never stop their shenanigans

this the place where dreamers live

when they cannot make sense of this world

where they can become superheroes

with the strength of a thousand men

this is the place where love lives on

when life in this place has to end

this is the place where we write our own tales

no longer victims of life

there is something about dreamers and artists

something in the way that they move

something in the very depth of their bones

that pushes them beyond themselves 

*inspired by @mundxanth*

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