what is the measure of your worth?
do your words define you?
or are your actions the only thing
that throw light upon your soul?
today you feel it, for whatever reason
some days there simply is no reason
but today it sits in the center of your chest
and the weight takes your breath
it’s not because you are unhappy
it’s not because you are alone
it’s not due to anything that is visible
it comes from something deeper
some need… but what
I can’t dig deep enough to name it
or maybe I could but I just don’t want to
when I scratch at the surface, it stings
it makes my stomach lurch and something
at the core of me shakes
I look at the structure of my day
and I know I can “get away with it”
I know I can go to that place and shut myself down
and I could explain my absence away
but what, in that hiding, am I running to?
I go there and it never fails that upon my return
I regret it
I regret the lies that I tell myself
the lies I tell anyone else
and I regret the time that I’ve lost
while I am there, in that numbing form of oblivion
I don’t even know what I want
with the first hit, there is always this rush of emotion
and then as fast as it comes, it goes
and I float around in this sad space of numb
I cry, I scream, I dream…
but now my dreams are actually coming true
I have love and happiness
I have laughter and light and passion
I have hunger that is being fed
and need that is being met
so what is it?
has it simply become habit?
that’s something to consider
that I have created this comfort zone,
this resting place, this pause in my existence
and I don’t know how to cope without it?
the addict is entitled
the addict is selfish
the addict wants immediate gratification
the addict “wants what she wants”
and “she wants it now”
not exactly conducive to being healthy
being in a loving, growing relationship
being a human that I am proud of
so today as I sit here
staring head on at this thing on my chest
making direct eye contact and not looking away
I think about her, about my love
I think about how she makes me feel
I think about how I make her feel
I think about who and what we are together
I think about my commitment
I think about the promises I made to myself
the promises I make to her
I think about the life I am discovering with her
and the life we both want to have
I feel the weight on my chest
trying so hard to take the breath from me
I think about why I let it sit there
and why I even listen to its static hum
the steady even throbbing sound
that is sometimes deafening
to the exclusion of all other sounds
I start to cry and I realize
that if I stand up
that thing will simply fall to the floor
it may not shatter into fragments and dust
as it strikes the surface of the ground
but the loud thud that it makes
will shatter the constant hum
I realize that the only way
it can hold me down
is if I fail to stand up
one single act of defiance
both feet on the floor
I don’t even have to move
not right away
just stand, on two feet
once up, I can wait
until balance settle my stance
I can wait until the wavering
and the wobbling cease
and then I can take one step
I think about her again
in my mind she is always moving
I call her a firefly, a lightning bug
the representation of illumination and light
I read about this creature
and its symbolism refers to that
of an exceptional human being
one that shines from the inside out
it is a symbol of hope, of guidance
and of natural energy
they use their environment
to be as effective as possible
in order to gain their energy
I think about this for a long time
and I realize again this gift I have before me
this little firefly, this bright shining light
inspires me to try
she inspires me to be more
she inspires me to shine and not hide away
in the lost shadows where I have always lived
I want to shine
I want to be strong
I want to make her proud
I want to be proud as well
so today I will stand up
I will steady myself
and I will hold her hand
today I will take one step
and I will move one step away
from the weight of the thing
that falls to the floor
today I will ask her to look my way
and I will smile back at her
I will humbly ask her to hold my hand
as I take a step
I will watch her shine for me
as she lights up the darkness
I will ask for her support
as my knees shake
and I will trust her
to stand beside me
I have to do this
I don’t have to do it alone
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