Friday, May 11, 2018

Words Seldom Used......O

And this, this letter O:
Od:  a hypothetical force formerly held to pervade all nature and manifest itself in magnetism, mesmerism, chemical action, etc. 
Oe-no-mel:  something combining strength with sweetness. 
Oell-lade:  an amorous glance. 
Obesiant:  movement of the body expressing deep respect or deferential courtesy.

Ode to Od

simple gesture seemingly
yet refined in texture and tone
oe-no-mel, this creature
leaves me gasping for breath
caught within the glimpse of my eye
her glance nearly askew
but oell-lade, I catch it
before she turns her head
this hypothetical force
of nature, savage and pure
I believe in its magic
as I stand near enough to feel
she is unbelievable yes
yet I am on my knees
in obeisant pose
thanking the powers that be
singing to the heavens
cracking open the sky
as she has split the shell of me
and set the prisoner free
I sing on high I sing to the low
in rising from under this soul
to let heaven rest beneath me
as we fly wing to wing
this is an ode a lyrical tale
of love and this woman so fair
and ode to od, the power
that need not be explained.

*the photo is not mine, no copyright infringement intended*

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