Friday, May 11, 2018

Words Seldom Used..........G

And this, the letter G:

Glissande:  a sliding or gliding step.

Grace Note:  a note essential to the harmony or melody, added as an embellishment.

Gyve:  shackle


grope, grapple, grab
frenetically charged energy shifts
grind, gyrate, growl
letting loose myself inside of you

grunt, groan, grimace
my face contorts with lust and heat
gasp, grin, giggle
pleasure overtakes me in your arms

the gyve drawn tight around my wrists
ankles bound in mirror image of this
the smile that overtakes you, though composure never shakes
and you begin the task that is at hand

splayed wide, naked and defenseless
fearless I’ve become within your gaze
trust, now a beacon in the darkness
that led us both here to find our way

glissande steps move you through the room
as you seem to have become the very act
effortless it seems as you engage
yet everything within you is focused here

and finally the unnecessary gesture
the grace note in your symphony
you lay your lips tenderly upon mine
and without a word, proclaim your love to me


*this photo is not mine, no copyright infringement intended*

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