Monday, April 8, 2019


calculating, methodical

painstakingly etched out over time

drop by drop, filling each vial

with vile intent

the end result

to feed ravenously

as the prey

begin to pray

 hunger, reaching into deeper

darker places

the stench of the kill

permeating every crevice

yet only one slow

lick at a time

making the mouth water

the flood of salivating glands

leaving the lips glistening

one tug, one tear

at raw flesh

a pull, gently at first

gradually showing intent

careful not to seem bent

on taking every last piece

every last drop

of the blood

as the fresh kill

slowly becomes rank

and rotted

remember now

that traps were set

laid with bait so enticing

the inveigled prey

so beguiled

 with all manner of temptation

threw caution

to the desperately blowing winds

that wailed their warnings

upon empty ears

the howling

deep into the night

that only echoed

bouncing off stone walls

into nothing

was there ever a moment

perhaps just as the jaws

of the steel trap

pierced naked skin

that remorse, regret

or a rueful repentance

passed through the fleeting thoughts

of either pursuer or prey

it is well documented

that no place is truly safe

no one without motive

none free of the entanglements

that sully the purity

of love

there is no benevolent


*I wasn't going to give an explanation of this poem but as I keep thinking about it, where better than here?
This idea has been simmering for weeks. It sparked after watching the Leaving Neverland documentaries. First, let me say, this is not about M Jackson, nor is it a comment on his alleged guilt or a place where I want to debate or discuss that. The way the story was told simply triggered some ideas that tell many stories, as poetry is known to do. 
Many people suffer various forms of abuse at various hands and not all of those abuses are quick and violent attacks. Many of them take time and planning and, as in the documentary, are 'groomed'. This idea has gnawed at me and today spoke for itself.*

1 comment:

  1. I could see the stalking grooming of abuse in whatever form it takes. This spoke sexual and religious abuse to me. I’ve experienced both.
