Saturday, January 17, 2015

Lovesick Musings

I feel it like blood

coursing through my veins

Filling me

and bringing me back to life

I feel it like a thing

that I cannot explain

Yet it leaves words

dangling from my tongue

I feel it like breath

as it fills my lungs

Steadily in

and slowly out

I feel it, I feel it

and isn’t that the thing

I feel it

my God, I feel!


It seems that I have loved her forever

though time plays tricks on the mind

I vaguely remember a time before

when emptiness filled this room

She is ever present within me

whether here or miles away

My voice breaks the silence

she hears what I don’t say

The simplicity of all of this

complicates things even more

But still I find solace

surrender, and let myself fall


She makes me ache

in the sweetest way

And conversely

makes me sting


a long dead soul

We are both

alive again


In the soft quiet hours

when she comes

She is ‘becoming’

just like me

No one has ever

seen this, she says

But for me

she reveals everything