Sunday, January 13, 2019 construct.

list it as one of many things

things I cannot understand

there are mysteries, fables

tales of fantasy and lore

there are illusions

 great and small

and many tendrilled stems

that create visions beyond belief

there are stories

ream after ream of verse

there are paragraphs and chapters

printed and bound to be told

the effort put forth

to create a tale

I know from experience

to be a labor that runs deep

I know what it takes

to lie words on a page

string them together

into tangible pieces of thought

I know the feeling

of taking those words in

in soft quiet moments

in places of private repose

to digest words is to feed

a hunger that cannot be quenched

to fill an aching hollow

with something substantial and pure

to dwell on imagination

to linger one letter at a time

is to fully fill the soul

with treasures rich and rare

words are the church I pray at

with innocence and trust

creation so revered

a true benevolent gift


I weave through the tangled threads

in the web that sticks to my skin

I find myself trapped in this maze

the deeper I go in this tale

my movements become restricted

are you watching the caught prey

it’s the only reason I can imagine

that you wasted such time on this tale

Saturday, January 5, 2019


it is somewhere deeper than the eye can see

somewhere beyond the place

where the soul knows how to speak

somewhere within the realm of existence

but far beyond the scope of understanding

it is here where the manifestations begin

here where the body begins to scream

where pain so deep that it cannot be touched

 begins to make itself felt


I wonder about the ability to heal

about the possibility of a soul

repairing and regenerating

I wonder about death and rebirth

and I wonder about coming back to life


I have lived this pain before

this deeply physical expression of dying

from the inside

a pain that begins at the base of my spine

wrapping itself around my hips

running down my outer thighs

and then beginning to squeeze

holding the center of my being

in a vice-like grip

that will not loosen its hold

I feel it as a slow ache

a nuisance really

all throughout the day

as I begin to limp

to offset the inability of my legs

to react to the demands placed on them

I move slower and with more precision

as I learn to navigate

within the limitations of pain


at night

late into the darkest hours

the thing takes on a life its own

I twist and turn as I begin to feel

I seek out a place of quiet

of comfort

but the invasion has begun

I feel it come in layers

discomfort causing a shift

the infusion of this metamorphosis

takes its shape in my dreams


I try to move

to run

reach for any forward motion

I become slower

inching my way

across the surface of the earth

and literally begin to move backward

I lower myself to my knees

dig my fingers into the ground

and pull until my body moves

I run on all fours

with speed


and a defined agility

but I can only go so far


again I slow

at the demand of the pain

the reins held tightly in its grasp


my body shifts and shuffles again

turning over and over in my bed

the dreams become more vivid

I can see myself lying on the ground

crying out in pain

until I scream so loud

that I awaken


with tears streaming down my face

body wrenched and wrapped

in the grip of this thing

I have to rise to make it stop


I drag my weakened limbs

slowly across the floor

back and forth

at a slow and intentional pace

until the grip releases its hold

until I can move without a limp

until I can stop holding my breath


this pain has come and gone

many times in my life

tearing me from sleep and dreams

weakening my core

it saps

and drains

and bleeds me

until I am left a hollow shell


I wonder about the existence of this pain

as it wholly encompasses my being

I wonder at the power

that is possesses to take my soul

I wonder at its ability

to be fully present in one moment

I wonder how it can disappear

in the next

I wonder what parallel

is carried within the connections

of this pain

it seems to have a name

it surely has a face

it is a being wholly and unto itself


and then I wonder again

about the pain I cannot express

about a nameless

faceless creature

that lurks in the depths of me

an entity that is completely alive

yet slowly killing me

I wonder about the ability

the possibility

the chance


I wonder if this physical pain

has come to speak for my heart


Thursday, January 3, 2019

the end...

*Sometimes, even though the truth is all you need
it can become the worst thing you've ever heard*

No shock or disbelief
only the simple silence
of your dying a second death
There is a grinding wail erupting
from the deepest part of my soul
and a pain I cannot dare to name
This is the end
the finality of you
the surrender of a dream
I believed too hard
too freely
with too much reckless abandon
I should’ve known better
and in many ways I did
I just wanted to dream
I wanted a fairy tale
I wanted to believe
That I had a chance
that it was my time
that you…
that you were real
But you were just an illusion
a story made up
the plot line and characters
pulled from the tales of my broken heart
You were manifested
out of the emptiness of my need
and you fed me
and fed me
like a lamb to the slaughter
I do not claim innocence
far from it indeed
My ego devoured
the scraps, the crumbs,
and when it was offered,
a table lush and full
To be wanted by you
was nothing short of ecstasy
And to want you
was ever and deeper still
And now to find
that there was no you
that you were just and extension of me
is, in a word, sobering
I think back now over memories
over intimacies that I cannot speak of
I weaved every part of you
into the very fabric of me
But there is no you
and the frayed threads
are unraveling
Threatening to weaken the structure
of what once made me whole
As tears begin slicing holes into the weave
as sunlight pierces the darkness of the cloak
I look down at the glistening blade wrapped in my fist
and I realize that I
am severing the ties
That I am lashing wildly
with the intent to connect
and rip all of this to shreds
I am sickened at the sight
of the weave
so carefully threaded by my hand
I am saddened in a way that I have never been
in the clarity of what I now see
I am shattering so deep inside myself
that my legs barely hold my weight
And I am freezing
as I have been stripped bare
by all that I gave away

My mind swirls
trying to comprehend
These words as they are laid out before me
telling me things I always feared
but just could not believe
Even now
in the stark reality of this moment
my tiny, timid heart
wants to run away and die
But I sit here surrounded by love
by protection, by strength
I am safe
The sickness still lingers
like rain falling over my leaves
The residue that it leaves in its wake
flooding over me

Your actions were simply unspeakable
unfathomable to a sane heart and mind
I will never be able to understand
so with this I let you go

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


not so much as a whisper 
passing your lips
You simply stood 
watching me
from the shadowed hall
You held my dog
my best friend 
of seventeen years
She hated anyone
who came near me
as they took me from her
But she seemed to know you
to love you
to be content in your arms
Your shadow glowed
a beacon bringing light
into a darkened room
The Gypsy opened the door
and brought you here
my heart is raw at the thought
My eyes are blurry
tear filled visions
are guiding me down this path
Is this supposed 
to be an ending
a place to say goodbye?

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


For two nights in a row
I have seen you watching me
Standing in a darkened hall
a few short yards away
The first night it startled me
as I peered into the darkness
I raised my hand and reached out
but you simply disappeared
Last night as the band
fed energy into the room
The time came for the clock to strike
and the past to become a beginning
The bells tolled and the room filled
with hugs and the repeating of happy
Happy new, happy start,
as tomorrow became today
Amidst hugs and expressions of love
pairs became joined as one
Music guiding the unions
motion growing from the still
He reached out to ‘him’
in the grasp of her arms
She held ‘her’ close
in the warmth of him
There was a pause in time
and for a moment I felt you
I felt the life
I felt the breath you no longer breathe
The sound of the room funneled
through my ears and into me
A vacuum created
inhaling all that has slipped away
I remembered everything for a moment
I felt everything again
This one is ours, was whispered
let’s dance this one for them…

Rarely in life do we know, when we meet someone, the role they will play in our lives. Sometimes, there are brief moments, flashes, things that stay with you only for a time and sometimes we know souls for a lifetime. Last night I rang in the new year with old and new friends, some of whom have changed my life and some of whom I think will.

  This piece describes a moment shared between two people who are grieving the loss of their loves and in this moment, however brief, they were all there together. In that moment they could touch the past and fondly remember as the hope and possibility of the future came with the arrival of the new year. 

This was a moment that brought healing.  ~ ~ ~